Laravel: php artisan commands
Here I am trying to list all Laravel PHP Artisan commands one by one for my reference and your too.
– To create and update table by migration
php artisan make:migration Create_Table_Name -> create a new table
php artisan make:migration Update_Table_Name_Column_Name -> update table
php artisan make:migration Add_Column_Name_Table_Name -> add a new column to a table
– To create a Controller
php artisan make:controller pathControllerName –resource
path = directory/place of the controller, i usually create controller directory wise . i.e.: site/SiteController – all site related controller will store here and admin/AdminController – all admin related controller will store here or test/TestController – all test related controller will store here.
ControllerName = Name of the controller
–resource = a parameter to create controller with default CRUD functions (index, create, store, show, edit, update, destroy)
– To create a Model
php artisan make:model pathModelName
path = directory/place of the model (optional). Same as controller
ControllerName = Name of the model