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Auto format or Masking phone number or te input field

Just take a tel input field, you can take text input also. But as I’m working with phone numbers, I am using tel input as below   <form> <label for=”#phone-number”>Phone number<span class=”required”>*</span></label> <input id=”phone-number” type=”tel” value=”” name=”phone_number” aria-label=”Please enter your phone number” placeholder=”ex. 1(111)-111-1111″ onkeyup=”phoneMask(this) “> </form>   We need to write a few lines […]

Disable chrome extension’s JS when debugging in development tools

While I was debugging a vuejs application, I got so many unnecessary steps for the chrome extension’s JS file that it took a lot of time to debug. And I need those extensions too for my development and regular work. So I was looking for a solution that how to disable or bypass the extension’s […]

window.open in IE (invalid argument)

A quick IE issue. Calling window.open() with spaces in the window name as a second parameter will generate an error in IE but works fine in Firefox, Chrome.. Example: window.open(‘myPage.html’, ‘My New Page’); will generate error window.open(‘myPage.html’, ‘MyNewPage’); will not generate any error 🙂

JavaScript/ jQuery Error ‘expected identifier, string or number’ in IE

IE sucks… and nothing to do coz. it’s windows default browser. Hi this is my first post on JavaScript in my blog.. 🙂 I get a new error (JavaScript Error ‘expected identifier, string or number’ in IE) in JavaScript on IE when developing an application and got a solution on googling and post this here…. […]

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