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How to use Google Search like a  PRO?

We search google every day, and google handles around 3.8 million searches per minute. I am writing this article for the references that we can do more in less time with the google search. Exact You can the exact search result by using double quotes(“your search key/string”). You just need to put whatever you search […]

Install Avro (Bangla software) in ubuntu on terminal

I am using Avro since when I know about this awesome software, around 10-12 years. Maybe more than this. When I started Ubuntu, I am looking for avro for linux and here is the download link of official avro, you can download from here and install by following the instruction OR You can easily install […]

Rapid or fast development in Sublime Text 3

We, developers like to write codes, but what if you need to write 1000000000 lines of code? Let me know your answer on comment 😉 Here comes snippet, What is snippet? Snippet a small piece or brief extract. it’s a brunch of code that is generate by shortcut key. Now we know create some snippets […]

Multiple sessions or Different logins at the same time on firefox

Multifox – is an awesome and very useful plugin for me. If you need to login multiple accounts at the same time, what did we do naturally, we used multiple browsers. But with this plugin on Firefox, you can access as many accounts as you want. Mozilla Addons link -> click here But if your browser’s version […]

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