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How to Upgrade phpMyAdmin manually?

I am using PHP7.2 for one of my projects and facing compatibility issues while working in phpMyAdmin 4.6. I do some Google and find out a solution. So in this article, we will go through the process of how to upgrade phpMyAdmin 4.6 to 4.9 to solve the issue. The issue/warning we are facing: Warning […]

Laravel 5.1: Unsupported operand types (FatalErrorException in …)

Ok. When I am upgrading my application from Laravel 5.0 to 5.1 I get an falat error that this showing “Unsupported operand types”   What did I do on Laravel 5.0: I add two array with in + operator, and that is the problem. So, I looking for solution and get this on Laracast $item_list […]

JavaScript/ jQuery Error ‘expected identifier, string or number’ in IE

IE sucks… and nothing to do coz. it’s windows default browser. Hi this is my first post on JavaScript in my blog.. 🙂 I get a new error (JavaScript Error ‘expected identifier, string or number’ in IE) in JavaScript on IE when developing an application and got a solution on googling and post this here…. […]

Magento installation, validation(valid URL) problem/error

There is a validation problem arise when I try to install Magento in my localhost at the filed Base URL and showing message “Please enter a valid URL. Protocol is required(http://, https:// or ftp://)“. Yes, everything is ok there, but to solve this problem you have to block/comment few lines of code [‘validate-url’, ‘Please enter […]

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