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How to Upgrade phpMyAdmin manually?

I am using PHP7.2 for one of my projects and facing compatibility issues while working in phpMyAdmin 4.6. I do some Google and find out a solution. So in this article, we will go through the process of how to upgrade phpMyAdmin 4.6 to 4.9 to solve the issue. The issue/warning we are facing: Warning […]

Rapid or fast development in Sublime Text 3

We, developers like to write codes, but what if you need to write 1000000000 lines of code? Let me know your answer on comment 😉 Here comes snippet, What is snippet? Snippet a small piece or brief extract. it’s a brunch of code that is generate by shortcut key. Now we know create some snippets […]

Open/Start Sublime Text in (windows) command line shortcode with a specific project

Open your Sublime Text2/3 by shortcode “subl .” on command prompt with a specific project.   We often need to open projects in between another project for some updates/support. As I am using Sublime Text 3 for coding, so I open/drag the folder to the editor project panel. But, It is risky and time consuming […]

Update – Please visit skpaul.me for latest posts and updates

Hi, Greetings!! Thanks for visiting my blog, I have open a blog (https://skpaul.me). So from now, you will get all latest posts and updates on https://skpaul.me.   Please take a look on my personal blog (https://skpaul.me), and let me know your comments and review.   Thanks in Advance sk paul https://skpaul.me

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