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How to define Global Variable or Constant in Laravel

We often need to define global variables/constants for our application, like Status, Conditions, Countries (we can put all countries in table as it will be along array/object), also weekdays, weekends and e.t.c. vary on projects.

Status (Active, Inactive) and Conditions (Ok, Good, Better, Best) or Grade (F, C, D, A, A-, A+), so like these type of variables/constants,  we write same code multiple times. But if we set all of these as Global Variables then we can use these anytime, anywhere in application.



And here I am presenting how to define GLOBAL Variable/Constant in Laravel 5.2. (This is not the only way, but I like it)

  1. First create a file named constants.php on config directory
  2. And code some variables like below

return [

‘STATUS’ => [

1 => ‘Active’,

0 => ‘Inactive’


‘Conditions’ => [

1 => ‘Ok’,

2 => ‘Good,

3 => ‘Better,

4 => ‘Best’



‘GRADE’ => [

‘A+’ => ‘A+’,

‘A’ => ‘A’,

‘A-’ => ‘A-’,

‘B’ => ‘B’,

‘C’ => ‘C’,

‘D’ => ‘D’,

‘F’ => ‘F’



  1. Now, how can we use/access this Global Variables? Very easy, and we can also access these variables on view too.

Config::get(‘constants. STATUS’); // it will output status array.

Or, if we want a specific one element then

Config::get(‘constants. GRADE.F’); // output: F

  1. And lastly we can also set Global variable only for the current request. This will not persist.

Config::set(‘constants. Conditions.5’, ‘Not Stable’)


And finally – if you like this article please inspire me by posting a comment (at below) for the next article 😉 . And I don’t mind if you want to share among with your friends, bocz. Sharing’s Caring.


Credit: google, stackoverflow, Laravel.io, Laravel docs and etc.

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