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How to find a column or filed name of a table from an entire database?

If you are working on a BIG project with lots of tables in the database, then it will be a good trick query for you to find out a column name of any table from that database.


My scenario was a bit different, I had to start work in the middle of a project and there was no one to guide/help me regarding  anything. And you know, about the deadline… really messed up. So, I didn’t hopeless and as usual did some google and prepare this query.




WHERE column_name LIKE ‘your_column_name’ “


As you can see it search information schema for the column name you are finding after the LIKE clause. And this query saved me and my ass 😉


I am writing this article for my future reference. Hope it will also help you and save your ass too 😉 as like mine. If this article save your time then you can comment and share this article to save others too. [sharing is caring]



[Note: May be you can find this query on other sites. As I said I did some google and make for me. Sorry forgot those site otherwise I put those on ref. section like my other post.]

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