k2 blog Warning: explode() expects parameter 2 to be string, array given in components\com_k2\helpers\route.php on line 73 – solution here :)
Hello everybody,
Here I am, back again. Today I face a new problem (actually not new, coz. few months ago I faced it once). So, I am thinking, why amn’t I post it on my blog for you?
The problem is generate when I use K2 blog’s “Content Module (mod_k2_content )” . And the warning is “explode() expects parameter 2 to be string, array given”. So, What I have to do to fix this error? Simple and easy, actually very easy 🙂
Here is the Solution:
1. Login to your joomla administrator panel
2. Then go to K2 blog administration panel from component menu.
3. Click on the “Parameters” button on the toolbar (top-right)
4. And Save it
4. Scroll down and fine “SEF URL character replacements” and put the following line and save it.
Å |S, Å’|O, Ž|Z, Å¡|s, Å“|oe, ž|z, Ÿ|Y, Â¥|Y, µ|u, À|A, Ã�|A, Â|A, Ã|A, Ä|A, Ã…|A, Æ|A, Ç|C, È|E, É|E, Ê|E, Ë|E, ÃŒ|I, Ã�|I, ÃŽ|I, Ã�|I, Ã�|D, Ñ|N, Ã’|O, Ó|O, Ô|O, Õ|O, Ö|O, Ø|O, Ù|U, Ú|U, Û|U, Ãœ|U, Ã�|Y, ß|s, à |a, á|a, â|a, ã|a, ä|a, Ã¥|a, æ|a, ç|c, è|e, é|e, ê|e, ë|e, ì|i, Ã|i, î|i, ï|i, ð|o, ñ|n, ò|o, ó|o, ô|o, õ|o, ö|o, ø|o, ù|u, ú|u, û|u, ü|u, ý|y, ÿ|y, ß|ss