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Update (custom) XAMPP/WAMP/LAMP default landing page layout

We are building website and applications on localhost and I use XAMPP package on Linux for my local development.   After installing Xampp, we always get a default home page from Xampp and most of the time we don’t need that. Basically before writing this article I always delete all items of htdocs/www folder, but […]

Laravel 5.1: Unsupported operand types (FatalErrorException in …)

Ok. When I am upgrading my application from Laravel 5.0 to 5.1 I get an falat error that this showing “Unsupported operand types”   What did I do on Laravel 5.0: I add two array with in + operator, and that is the problem. So, I looking for solution and get this on Laracast $item_list […]

Joomla! 3 installation freezes at creating database table

After long time I try to install Joomla and it is Joomla 3.3.0 and face a problem as like you. All things are ok but its taking too much time during database table creation. And here is the solution To solve this go to Your joomla folder\installation\sql\mysql and open Joomla.sql file find the term “ENGINE=InnoDB” […]

How to add a new (About Us) Page in Oscommerce 2.3.3

Nowadays I am working on osCommerce and I need to create a new/custom About Us page for company profile but I don’t get any option in admin panel. Surprisingly there is no option to manage pages like About Us, Terms and Condition, Privacy Policy and etc. Even you can’t create a new menu from admin […]

How to change WordPress default email From name and address?

There are many method to change default wordpress email settings. Here you can see two methods. FIRST ONE: Very easy, just download the plugin (Change WP eMail) and install and configure it. SECOND ONE: It is very easy too 😀 and I like this one. First of all you need to find and open functions.php […]

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