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Laravel: php artisan commands

Here I am trying to list all Laravel PHP Artisan commands one by one for my reference and your too.   – To create and update table by migration php artisan make:migration Create_Table_Name  -> create a new table php artisan make:migration Update_Table_Name_Column_Name -> update table php artisan make:migration Add_Column_Name_Table_Name  -> add a new column to a table […]

How to define Global Variable or Constant in Laravel

We often need to define global variables/constants for our application, like Status, Conditions, Countries (we can put all countries in table as it will be along array/object), also weekdays, weekends and e.t.c. vary on projects. Status (Active, Inactive) and Conditions (Ok, Good, Better, Best) or Grade (F, C, D, A, A-, A+), so like these […]

How to print query or debug queries in Laravel

We often need to debug large queries in Laravel. And laravel have built-in functions almost for everything. Here is a simple query in laravel for example. $data = User::where(‘status’, 1) ->select(‘name’, ‘username’, ‘email’, ‘password’) ->get();   but we want to see the sql query. So we have to use toSql() in the place of get() […]

Laravel 5.1: Unsupported operand types (FatalErrorException in …)

Ok. When I am upgrading my application from Laravel 5.0 to 5.1 I get an falat error that this showing “Unsupported operand types”   What did I do on Laravel 5.0: I add two array with in + operator, and that is the problem. So, I looking for solution and get this on Laracast $item_list […]

Laravel 5 tricks (rough for me)

I need these few thing when I am working on Laravel 5. You can add more by comment..   How to install packages by composer ————————————————– adding a package: composer require vendor_name/package_name removing a package: composer remove vendor_name/package_name adding form and html package: —————————– composer require illuminate/html for pdf package (reporting: generating pdf): ——————————————- composer […]

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