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How to use Google Search like a  PRO?

We search google every day, and google handles around 3.8 million searches per minute. I am writing this article for the references that we can do more in less time with the google search.

  1. Exact

You can the exact search result by using double quotes(“your search key/string”). You just need to put whatever you search in the double quotes

  1. Site

If you want to search a specific site then enter the “site:your-site-url” before your search query/string

site:skpaul.me laravel query

Then it will return the content related laravel query from skpaul.me

  1. Exclude (search string -key)

You can exclude the unwanted suggestions from search results through a minus symbol (- key) and then a key like below

Full-stack web developer -.net

So it will show the result of full-stack web developers except for .net. Or

How to manipulate parent dom element –jquery

Then it will show of manipulating dom result excepts jquery

  1. Before or After

You can filter your Google search result through after and before parameters like below

How to manipulate parent dom element after:2021

How to manipulate parent dom element before:1999

  1. Range

You can also filter your search by a range like below

Vuejs release notes 2020..2022

So, it will show the results of Vuejs release notes only between 2020 to 2022. Or you can search any number (#..#)

Laravel developer $40..$50 per hour

  1. Logic & Group (A|B) C

You can search one or another by pipe(|) operator, also you can group your search query parenthesis ()

Date vuejs(2.0|3.0)

  1. Wildcard (*)

Through the wildcard operator, you can search for anything. If you want to search to build anything in bootstrap then you can search like below

How to build a * in bootstrap

Or if you want to search a site with all subdomains then you can search like

Site:*.skpaul.me laravel

  1. FileType (FILETYLE: type_name)

You can be specific when you search, if you want to search a png file then you can search like this


Or if you want to search any ppt or pdf then

Laravel framework architecture FILETYPE:(ppt|pdf)

  1. Competitor Search

You can search your competitor and the related thing with the “related:” keyword

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  1. Cache

You can check what Google is cached for your site

Cache: devsstation.com

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