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I'm Sanjoy
a Full Stack Web Developer & AWS Community Builder

I have been working in web development for more than 12 years. I love to help people and businesses to automate their operations; If you need any web-related help/support, please send me an email at hello@skpaul.me to discuss further. We can connect on LinkedIn too - http://www.linkedin.com/in/skpaul82

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How to use Google Search like a  PRO?

We search google every day, and google handles around 3.8 million searches per minute. I am writing this article for the references that we can do more in less time with the google search. Exact You can the exact search result by using double quotes(“your search key/string”). You just need to put whatever you search […]

Validate Bad Email Address in PHP, Laravel

Hey! what’s up? I am working on a SAAS application for my current company and facing the issue of sending emails, actually bad emails, those comply with the RFC. So that means basic email validation is not working from the Laravel side and we are processing emails to ‘example@gmail’ like email addresses (yes RFC allow […]

Change or set php-cli version in Ubuntu

Hey, So you also face the same issue! Hope you will get a solution here.. BOL! Check the current PHP version.  php –version In my case, it is php7.1. Now, check the excepted version that you want to set/change in folder ls -la /usr/bin/ You will get a list of files and folders, now check […]

How to Upgrade phpMyAdmin manually?

I am using PHP7.2 for one of my projects and facing compatibility issues while working in phpMyAdmin 4.6. I do some Google and find out a solution. So in this article, we will go through the process of how to upgrade phpMyAdmin 4.6 to 4.9 to solve the issue. The issue/warning we are facing: Warning […]

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